Nigeria Education System

Nigeria Education System is based on the 6-3-3-4 formula, one year Pre-Primary education, six years primary, three years junior secondary, three years senior secondary and a minimum of four years tertiary education. The model had been used successfully in China, Germany and Ghana before Nigeria adopted it in 1989.
Nigeria's educational system is in assorted crisis of infrastructural decay, neglect, waste of resources and sordid conditions of service. The country has over 10million out of school children. That's the highest in the world. Another 27million children in school are performing very poorly. Millions of Nigeria are half educated and over 60million are illitrate.
On top of this many eligible young Nigerians can't Gain admission into public universities. At the same time, prohibitire tuition fees among others factors are a barrier to the country's private universities.
Nigeria government should focus on key areas that will dig Nigerians educational system out of the deep hole it's in. I have identified two prionties it should attend to first.

1. The new government should appoint an expert Minister of Education not a political party lackey. In the past, Nigeria's educational system has fared better under expert educational ministers who earned their stripes through the system.

2. Funding is the biggest problem confronting Nigeria's educational system. Nigeria's experience with the commercialisation and neglect of government secondary and primary school levels has led to poorer education outcomes or privatization is the answer? It's only likely to widen the gap between the rich and the poor. It will deny many children affordable quality education, increase the rate of illiteracy and reduce academic performance at the tertiary level.
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